Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Maddies Day Out

We have a wonderful lady in our ward named Linda, wjo is my piano player in primary. She also happens to be the full time aid in Maddies' regular school class. Any ways she adores Maddie and if you know Maddie, you know she takes to any adult over kids her own age. Linda offerd to take Maddie to Jungle Jims with her daughter and as you can tell from the pictures, she had a wonderful time.


Carrie said...

Fun day for Maddie! Stace - I gonna have to teach you how to rotate a photo! ;)

Scottkids said...

HAHAHAHA about photo flipping! MAddie is cute! I'm going to call her 20 times and leave her 10 messages! HAHAHAA That was funny!

Marlies said...

I can't believe how grown up she looks in these pictures. What a beautiful girl.

Rae said...

I know we live so far away from you guys, but we sure love having Maddie over. Kaylee is in heaven when she comes! Anytime you're down this way, let us know and we should snag her from you!