Friday, April 3, 2009

Lleyton turns 3 !!

We are so excited that Lleyton is 3 years old now. He is so grown up and has no problem keeping up with his brothers. He loves them and is always imitating them. He loves baseball and can throw up a ball and hit it all by himself. He talks so much and knows so many big words, it's scary what he picks up on sometimes. He is my the mama's boy, and usually I love it. I know he will gow out of it soon so I am going to take it while I can get it.

Grandma knows how much the boys in our family love B-Ball, they had to even open it and go play out in the freezing rain/snow that night.

Typical boy, the look on his face says it all. I hate clothes of any sort MOM!!!

These boys their Papa, and Lleyton loves his Hot Wheels. I wish the face was clearer because it is priceless.

His candle flames didn't last long, he was too excited. And I had to document the wonderful scabs all over his face. No pics for a while until it goes away.

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