Could there have been more snow or what. It was totally AWESOME!!! It made the whole day seem so sweet and clean, like a fresh start to our new year. We started the day off very early. Mr and Mrs Claus had set their alarm to set presents out at 5:00 and finally got back to bed around 5:30. I don't think I even fell asleep because they baby was tossing and kicking, when we heard Alex down stairs at 6:00. Then I heard Lleytons' door slam. I knew it wouldn't be long before curiousity got the better of them. I found Alex, Easton and Lleyton downstairs going through their stockings and enjoying their new headrests. I started Some breakfast then had them watch a new movie, Walle I think, while I went upstairs to get ready. I woke Jake up at 7:30 and we started eating and finaly woke Maddie up at 8:00. This was highly unusual, since she is the one who wakes everyone on a daily basis. We went through gifts as slowly as we could and tried to let the kids enjoy each gift. We were very blessed this year, always being looked after by those who love us. Jake surprised me and Maddie with matching pearl jewelry, it is beautiful. We headed to my parents for an early dinner and gifts and then to Jakes' parents for gifts as well. It was a whirlwind of a day and I am glad it only happens once a year.
This was the best day ever. Brecka and Will are always so willing to invite us all up to their house to party and this year was no exception. We spent a majority of the time sledding at Masons' Elem. School. It was the perfect size hill, most the kids could climb back up by them selves, we didn't have any injuries, and we didn't have to share the hill. That is a receipe for a great day of sledding. I love that my Dad still sleds and that the men have just as much fun as the little boys, buut best of all we have some pretty tough chicklets in our family. Ana Just kept going and going, and usually had Lleyton or Boston jump on her back. I know Maddie looks terrified, but really she was just bracing herself to go off Uncle Wills' jump he made. It was a great night!!!!
We have some great traditions as a larger Gustaveson Family, but as our small little Garn Family we started a couple of years ago, we call First Snow Night. On the First Snow of December we all have dinner and then watch White Christmas together. It is one of my all time favorite shows and I look forward to the holidays every year just so that I have an excuse to watch it. The boys enjoyed playing in the snow during the day, although it was to powdery to build a snowmen, they just made snow hoagies and had an outdoor picnic. Lleyton was using the dogs' ball thrower to pic up and eat his snow. It's a atrue wonder that boys don't get sick more often.
Easton has been waiting to turn 5 for 2 yrs now. He is so excited to get to go to kindergarten like Alex did when he was 5, 2 yrs ago. He had a great birthday. We celebrated it on the 7th not the 19th, but who's telling, not us. The following week we went to Zoo lights with Brecka and her kids. It was freezing, but the kids had a great time. Mason and Libby were nice enough to share their 3d glasses with the boys who thought they were super cool. We didn't do parties this year but took the kids out to dinner instead. We happened to be going that night and were glad Brecka agreed to go with us it was super fun. The kids all like going to Wingers, but after 4 dinners there in the past 5 months, I am going to try to convince them to try somewhere new this year.
Every year we get together with my cousins on the Gustaveson side to party and do gift exchanges. It's not quite as fun as it used to be when we were little and we all slept over at someones house and then woke the adults up by banging on the ceiling with broom sticks !!!! AW the good old days. But it is fun to watch all of our kids growing up together like we did. This year we did a book exchange for the kids, obvious hit from the pictures, you can see. And as always we played the dice game for the adults. We love it the boys get very competitive, and Will defintely won the most creative wrapping and gift this year. It was so fun to have Aunt Joan and Uncle Terry, or Tim, whatever we are supposed to call him now. I will always call him uncle Terry, just because it has become habit, even though I know it's not his real name.